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Haythem Kossaï main referee50.4Average card count per match for 8 matches arbitrated

- Year of construction: 2001
- Surface: grass
- Capacity: 65000
- Average attendance: 8833
- Maximum attendance: 25000
- % sold: 29
Match result Tunis Métlaoui
What is the result between Tunis Métlaoui?
ES Tunis won the match with a 3-0 score
What are the official lineups for Tunis Métlaoui?
ES Tunis : Coached by F. Benzarti, the lineup starts off in a 4-3-3 formation: M. Ben Chérifia, K. Chemmam, C. Dhaouadi, M. Talbi, I. M'barki, S. Bguir, F. Coulibaly, F. Sassi, F. Ben Youssef, A. Badri, T. Khenissi
Métlaoui : On the other side of the pitch, the team trained by M. Kouki, is positioning themselves in a 3-3-4 : B. Souissi, A. Ben Salah, Z. ElBakouch, B. Bamba, O. Bejaoui, M. Khelij, K. Gharsellaoui, A. Ayari, R. Bakari, A. Mazni, F. Timoumi
Who is the referee of the match Tunis Métlaoui ?
Haythem Kossaï is the referee for this match
Where is the match Tunis Métlaoui?
The venue Stade olympique Hammadi-Agrebi in Radès is hosting the match
At what time is Tunis Métlaoui?
Fixture in live on Football Today on 23 April 2017. Kick-off at 15:45
F. Benzarti Coach
M. Kouki Coach