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Current injury
Knee injury
26/07/2023 -
No estimation available
28 Matches missed
- Age 24 years (03/01/2001)
- Nationality Brazil
- Size 172 cm
- Weight 68 kg
- Position Midfielder
Where is Lucas Ramos from?
Lucas Ramos was born in Brazil. Nationality(ies): Brazil.How old is Lucas Ramos?
Lucas Ramos has 24 years. He was born on the 03/01/2001.
What position is Lucas Ramos playing at?
Lucas Ramos is a Midfielder.
Compare his stats
Lucas Ramos is unavailable since the Wednesday 26 July 2023 due to a Knee injury. No recovery time estimated for Lucas Ramos. Lucas Ramos has currently missed 595 days during which 28 have been played.
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Club career
No data
No stat available for this person
No match