Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis

Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis

#66 - Defender - 29years

Current team

  • Joined 01/05/2019
  • From Vitória
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Current injury

Matches missed
Muscle Injury 03/02/2023 - 01/01/2024 (estimation)
39 Matches missed


  • Age 29 years (10/05/1995)
  • Place of birth Salvador Brazil
  • Nationality Brazil
  • Size 176 cm
  • Best foot Left
  • Position Defender

Where is Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis from?

Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis was born in Salvador, Brazil. Nationality(ies): Brazil.

How old is Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis?

Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis has 29 years. He was born on the 10/05/1995.

What position is Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis playing at?

Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis is a Defender.

What is Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis's current team?

Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis is playing in club for Sport Recife (Brazil).

Compare his stats

Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis is unavailable since the Friday 03 February 2023 due to a Muscle Injury. This is a severe injury and Vicente Júnio de Moura Reis should get back on his feet on the Wednesday 12 March 2025. The player will probably not be able to play during 332 days and therefore miss 39 matches if we take into account the matches currently scheduled.

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Club career
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